Saturday, April 30, 2011

Party time!

So we had a wonderful turnout, and a really nice time. Thank you so much everyone for coming today, supporting our group and the school. It's nice to see all those pots finding new homes.

Remember, our sale is on until May 9th, plenty of time to pick up a nice gift for Mother's Day. A portion of all our proceeds goes to The Art School at Old Church. Go here for details.

And here are some photos:


Cynthia Shevelew said...

Thanks Ellen; my favorite is "The O'Conner Sisters" group portrait!

Itsuko Ishiguro said...

It was a nice reception. I enjoyed meeting people, chatting with them and of course, seeing members' new artwork!

Sandy Pancrazi said...

Thanks for such a nice post. I didn't think you actually took those photos at the time but they came out very well. What great families you all have.